How do you use a car hanging perfume bottle

Date:2020-8-6 21:57:03 Read:85

How do you use a car hanging perfume bottle

Car scented bottle

car hanging perfume bottle, which comprises a bottle cap body. The top of the bottle cap body is provided with a perforation, and the perforation is provided with a fixed hanging piece, and a perfume bottle cap is fixed and hung by a metal fixing pendant, so that the sealing of car hanging perfume bottle is good, so that the perfume of the automobile hanging perfume bottle does not volatilize too fast, and the perfume is volatilized only by the wooden cap, and the fragrance is more pure. 
car hanging perfume bottle
Aerosol vehicle flavors are mainly made up of flavors and containers. The smell of a car hanging perfume bottle can cover some peculiar odors inside the vehicle. For example, the smell of luggage, tobacco, fish and small animals in the car. Make the air fresh in the car.

The car is linked with a car hanging perfume bottle. Put it right in the car. Perfume bottles are often placed on the left front central console of the copilot, and the perfume molecules are naturally distributed to the vehicle. They can also hang on the grid of the air outlet of the air conditioner and float to the car with the help of the wind.